For starting podcasters, this microphone can't be beaten! Samson Q2U Microphone, equivalent to the Audio-Technica ATR2100-USB! Samson Q2U Microphone, … [Read more...]
RD44: Podcasts available on Amazon Music, the launch of Radio 1 Dance, and it’s time for Christmas Jingles
Welcome to episode 44. I’m your host Richard Dally. Each week I curate and discuss the latest news in podcasting and Internet Radio with a focus on the … [Read more...]
RD43: Do download numbers equal podcast success? News of the 2020 DMC World DJ Championship, and how radio presenters can transfer their skills to podcasting
Welcome to episode 43. I’m your host Richard Dally. Each week I curate and discuss the latest news in podcasting and Internet Radio with a focus on … [Read more...]
RD42: Legal livestreaming for DJs, Audacity gets an update to support LUFS, and the 2020 Radio Star competition is open for entries
Welcome to episode 42. I’m your host Richard Dally. Each week I curate and discuss the latest news in podcasting and Internet Radio with a focus on … [Read more...]
Life Isn’t Fair
Has anyone ever said to you that life isn't fair? I am sure you have been told at one point or another how life isn’t fair, probably by a parent! While this is … [Read more...]