Building On Your Strengths
A great approach to improving your business is to look at what you are good at in your business and look to do these things even better. Focusing on your strengths can bring much faster returns than struggling to work at things you are not so good at and perhaps don’t enjoy.
The areas of your business that you find less enjoyable or more difficult are good candidates for outsourcing or at least implementing systems or processes that will make them more routine and automated.
If you are working for yourself you want to try and spend most of your time doing work you enjoy. Let’s be honest, why would you want to spend lots of time having to do things you don’t like doing or are not good at!
Personally I find preparing for my weekly podcast fairly easy and enjoyable. I feel like I am good at doing the necessary research and curating the content I need for each show. What I find more difficult is the promotion of the published episodes.
To improve my research I have invested in subscriptions to paid newsletters and software to make it easier to collate material.
Now It’s Your Turn
Take some time to thing about what you are good at and enjoy within your business. Try to come up with a couple of activities and then consider what you could do to make these areas of your business even better.