Welcome to episode 16 of the Richard Dally podcast where I bring you a UK perspective on the latest news and developments from the world of podcasting and Internet Radio
This week I talk about a series of articles from Adweek discussing the current state of the audio industry and present the latest Blubrry podcast statistics on downloads versus streaming of episodes.
Websites and articles mentioned in the show:
The increasing diversity in podcast listening audiences: http://www.edisonresearch.com/increasing-ethnic-diversity-podcast-listeners
Podcast Statistics from Blubrry: chttp://www.powerpresspodcast.com/2016/08/23/podcasts-downloaded-streamed-weve-got-answer/
An article from The Observer discussing how Art19 want to try to move podcasting away from the use of the RSS feed: http://observer.com/2016/08/art19-overcast-libsyn-castmate-ogilvy-mather/
Nicholas Quah – the Hot Pod newsletter: https://www.hotpodnews.com/
Medium article on what Podcasting might look like in ten years: https://medium.com/hardbound-co/what-will-the-podcasting-business-look-like-ten-years-from-now-2e8a4a64baa5#.f26pc3vch
James Cridland debunks the myths surrounding how the iTunes Podcast Charts are calculated: https://media.info/radio/opinion/how-the-itunes-podcast-chart-works
Celebrities Are Flocking to Podcasts, but Will They Stick Around? By Nicole Spector: http://www.adweek.com/news/advertising-branding/celebrities-are-flocking-podcasts-will-they-stick-around-173125
Social Media App Winq: http://www.winq.com
Inside today’s obsession with podcasting, streaming and the power of sound By David Griner: http://www.adweek.com/news/technology/welcome-new-golden-age-audio-173162
Fizzle Meetups: https://fizzle.co/sparkline/join-us-for-a-fizzle-meetup-in-your-city
University of Southampton Podcasting Conference: http://www.southampton.ac.uk/iliad/news/events/2016/09/15-09-2016-podcasting-microconference.page
James Cridland’s Next Radio Conference – http://nextrad.io/
RAIN Summit Europe 2016: http://rainnews.com/europe2016/