A Wake Up Call
I know I have neglected this website somewhat recently despite having lots of plans for its development and ideas for content. Hopefully I have now found the motivation to rectify this and start taking my blog to the next level.
I have just finished listening to the first four episodes of a brand new Podcast from one of the co-founders of Music Radio Creative. Izabela Russell is a branding expert and has launched her own Podcast – Branding Cow. This is a Podcast dedicated to reviewing the branding of small businesses and individuals and analyzing their strengths and weaknesses. Izabela discusses both visual and audio aspects of a different brand on each show, covering podcasts, websites and social media presence.
Each episode of the Branding Cow Podcast has reminded me of some of the inconsistencies in my own branding and I am determined to start addressing these over the next few weeks while adding more content at the same time.
Just a few of the things I need to address include:
- Addressing the consistency of colours across the different platforms I use
- Improving my About Me page
- Adding a Mission statement each platform
- Adding a photograph of myself to my About Me page
- Improving the audio branding on my Radio Show
- Removing obsolete information
Visit Izabela’s website at www.brandingcow.com for more information on her Podcast and do leave me a comment below if you have any thoughts on branding in general or even want to say something about mine!