Eating An Elephant One Bite At A Time
You’ve probably heard this saying which is just a way of saying that how every big your task is it will become easier to tackle if you do it one small step at a time. There are plenty of other examples of this, seen in a daily routine such as adding one additional press-up to you exercise routine every day or the story of the man who bench-pressed a baby calf every day and got stronger and stronger as the animal grows to become a cow!
In business a great way to ensure you make consist progress towards success is to ensure you take daily action on the most important parts of your enterprises. Even if you can only work on your business in the evenings or at weekends you can still make massive progress by working on it every day. Let’s say you only have an hour a day because of other commitments, when in that case it is going to be even more important to have a daily routine that lets you focus and ensure the few things that you do have time to do are aimed at moving your business forward.
How can you do this? Well, setting aside a few minutes to make a daily plan will set you up for success by helping you identify those key tasks and encourage you to focus on getting them completed.
Your daily plan needs to be more than just a task list. It is important to also include some time boundaries so that you don’t concentrate on one item too much whilst neglecting others. It is also a great idea to write down what benefit each task will bring to your business. At the end of each working day review the daily plan you created. How successful were you? Did you try to schedule too much? When you come to write your daily plan tomorrow, take into account what you learned from the previous day.
This blog post is in response to Natalie’s 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge Day 5