I have gained two insights this week that I believe will have a profound impact on my online efforts. I hope that in sharing them you can also benefit from … [Read more...]
RD30: The relaunch of Live365, Podcasting Best Practices from Bridge Ratings and a UK Podcast Producer Vacancy
This week I discuss the Bridge Ratings Podcasting Best Practices Study, details of the relaunched Live365 webcasting service, an advert from The Southbank … [Read more...]
What Are Complex Carbs and Why Do We Need Them?
Have you heard someone mention "complex carbs" and wondered what they were talking about? Basically, carbohydrates are either simple or complex. At first … [Read more...]
Watch Your Fat Intake
There is a lot of debate over fat and fat intake. Good fats, bad fats, how much fat you should consume. There are myriad foods that proudly display Fat Free on … [Read more...]
10 Podcast Newsletters You Should Subscribe To
This post lists ten podcast newsletters that I personally subscribe to. Most are delivered by email, with most being published weekly plus a few … [Read more...]